Saturday, 26 November 2011

Starting Solids

My very first taste at solids....

Mmm...I like it! Yummy!!!

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Many reasons to smile!

October has been fabulous! Apart from getting my first cold and having eczema *itch, itch, scratch, scratch*, this month has been woonnddeerrful!

My new toys from Mummy and Daddy!

Happy Birthday to Daddy! :)

Auntie Li'en came all the way from Perth to see me...

and so did Uncle Michael and Zoe!

Look who else came all the way from Perth to see me too? Let's hold hands!

Here's Kristen Jie Jie and I

I love you Da Yi Zhang, Da Yi and Kristen Jie Jie!

And with all these photos, there's gotta be one of Mummy and I. :)


September started off great!

I was my usual happy drooly self. Then Mummy sprung it on me...

What d'ya mean I've got to get immunised AGAIN? I'm so going to have a fever after...

What did I tell ya? Here's me having fever medicine. It's kinda yummy though...:)

The fever was gone in no time and I was back...

to my happy 'ol self! :)

Monday, 29 August 2011

Three Months...

Over this past month, I've found lots of fun things to do. I like to chat (Mummy calls it baby babble), talk as high-pitched as I can (I always beat Daddy at this game!), look at the mirror, look at picture books and put things in my mouth! I also...

drool (lots)...

sit on my chair and play with toys like my rattle...

find interesting things around the house to inspect like this tissue box. Did you know that you can pull tissues out of this box? It's endless fun!

And I even find time to try on new clothes like this beanie! Bet next month is going to be even more fun!:)

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Dear Friends, Sorry that I couldn't blog in July as I had a fever.

 Mom brought me for my vaccination and poor me, I didn't feel so well after that. I had a fever of 38.1 degrees. Check out my ninja look...more like a wet towel over my head....ha ha
Daddy & Mommy bought this really cool pad and I was really happy as I felt much better after.
A close up of the me and my penguin print cool pad.

8 DAYS , Singapore's favourite magazine.....Let me be the judge of that..

Hmmm.....8 Days is indeed not bad. MOMmmmmmm.....stop stealing my magazine. I am still reading it.
 Like all babies, my attention span is super short ...ha ha ha
So So sleepy...I think I'll catch a short nap and then continue reading later.
Guess what happened? Mom tried to steal my 8 days again while I was sleeping! I had to grab it back!

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Greetings.....I am 7 weeks old now.....

Yo Yo Yooo..Whats up everyone ......  :)
Let me tell you 3 favorite things that i love to do .....
 Number 1 : Sleep
 Number 2 : Still Sleep
Number 3 : You guessed it ....SLEEP la

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Full Month Celebration........

 I am one month old ...As a tradition, Daddy and Mummy bought these gifts for our friends and relatives to introduce me to everyone. It's a box full of good that i have to ask my pet polar bear to guard it for me....I'm scared that daddy will eat everything .....
Hmmmm....There is ...Glutinous rice, Ang Ku Kuei, , Fruit tart,Choc donuts, Swiss Roll, Japanese dessert and Red eggs........Nice right? That's why i need polar bear to guard it for me.....
Picture is a little blur...but it is my intro card stating my name, birthday , Weight and Height....

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

3 Weeks On.........

"Errr mummy...Daddy is taking a photo of me naked....HELLOooooooo...........I am a girl you know...."
 "The Stoned Look". Tried to smile for Daddy's Camera but I haven't mastered to say "Cheese" yet....
But i mastered "The Stick out your tongue look" for the camera.....ha ha ....

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

More Pictures of .......Who else........ ME Lah!!!!

 I can grab Mummy's hand...errrr Finger now.....hee hee....
 Hey there......
Wow this artistic or what ....Daddy holding my leg.....

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Delivery Suite

The top line is my Heart Beat....So strong hey...Sometimes i reach over 160 beats per minute...
The 2nd line is mummy's contraction...getting ready to push me out....hee hee...
But i am still so i think i will chill out inside for another few more hours la....
Mummy's Hospital food....One veg , One Meat , One herbal Soup, One dessert , One fruit juice and Rice...
Daddy bought me a Helium Balloon.2 balloons in one....with the words Baby Girl ....

Thursday, 5 May 2011

My first Week

My First Hour with my Mom.........Mummy and Baby Time......28 April 2011 at 2037hr

Finally I am Home ....Sleeping soundly like a Princess.....

 Check out my Cot ...Nice rite....
Hmmmm.........Hungry again....maybe i will cry to get mummy over...hee hee