Sunday, 29 May 2011

Full Month Celebration........

 I am one month old ...As a tradition, Daddy and Mummy bought these gifts for our friends and relatives to introduce me to everyone. It's a box full of good that i have to ask my pet polar bear to guard it for me....I'm scared that daddy will eat everything .....
Hmmmm....There is ...Glutinous rice, Ang Ku Kuei, , Fruit tart,Choc donuts, Swiss Roll, Japanese dessert and Red eggs........Nice right? That's why i need polar bear to guard it for me.....
Picture is a little blur...but it is my intro card stating my name, birthday , Weight and Height....

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

3 Weeks On.........

"Errr mummy...Daddy is taking a photo of me naked....HELLOooooooo...........I am a girl you know...."
 "The Stoned Look". Tried to smile for Daddy's Camera but I haven't mastered to say "Cheese" yet....
But i mastered "The Stick out your tongue look" for the camera.....ha ha ....

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

More Pictures of .......Who else........ ME Lah!!!!

 I can grab Mummy's hand...errrr Finger now.....hee hee....
 Hey there......
Wow this artistic or what ....Daddy holding my leg.....

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Delivery Suite

The top line is my Heart Beat....So strong hey...Sometimes i reach over 160 beats per minute...
The 2nd line is mummy's contraction...getting ready to push me out....hee hee...
But i am still so i think i will chill out inside for another few more hours la....
Mummy's Hospital food....One veg , One Meat , One herbal Soup, One dessert , One fruit juice and Rice...
Daddy bought me a Helium Balloon.2 balloons in one....with the words Baby Girl ....

Thursday, 5 May 2011

My first Week

My First Hour with my Mom.........Mummy and Baby Time......28 April 2011 at 2037hr

Finally I am Home ....Sleeping soundly like a Princess.....

 Check out my Cot ...Nice rite....
Hmmmm.........Hungry again....maybe i will cry to get mummy over...hee hee