Saturday, 29 October 2011

Many reasons to smile!

October has been fabulous! Apart from getting my first cold and having eczema *itch, itch, scratch, scratch*, this month has been woonnddeerrful!

My new toys from Mummy and Daddy!

Happy Birthday to Daddy! :)

Auntie Li'en came all the way from Perth to see me...

and so did Uncle Michael and Zoe!

Look who else came all the way from Perth to see me too? Let's hold hands!

Here's Kristen Jie Jie and I

I love you Da Yi Zhang, Da Yi and Kristen Jie Jie!

And with all these photos, there's gotta be one of Mummy and I. :)


September started off great!

I was my usual happy drooly self. Then Mummy sprung it on me...

What d'ya mean I've got to get immunised AGAIN? I'm so going to have a fever after...

What did I tell ya? Here's me having fever medicine. It's kinda yummy though...:)

The fever was gone in no time and I was back...

to my happy 'ol self! :)